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Who We Are



Alefiya Sakir is currently enrolled in her fourth semester of Architectural Technologies at SAIT.She has previous experience in designing and drafting for architectural firms, which leads her a creative eye and attention to detail. She also has an architectural background, which helps her seek out new and interesting opportunities, and approach projects with unique angles and perspectives. She is passionate about solving problems in ways that support design choices, functionality and building science principles. Having exposure to Part 3, of the National Building Code will will benefit her in determining the relevant information required for the new Renfrew Community Recreation Centre and give her exposure to work on a large scale project.



Maria Syeda is an aspiring architectural technologist and sustainability enthusiast. Although Indian, she has lived in Saudi Arabia all her life, graduated from high school in 2019 and soon after, moved to Calgary as an international student. Being increasingly passionate about the intersection of architectural design and drafting is what drives her. The more she learns, the more she recognizes and appreciates the responsibility of the technologist on projects. The teachings in various courses throughout the past 16 months has broadened her thinking and built her interest in research and the technical aspects of architecture. Having done projects, both residential and commercial in the past year - she hopes to join the industry as an AT within the realm of commercial construction. With a positive attitude and headstrong mentality, she tackles design problems, construction documents, project scheduling and management in an amicable and cohesive way. Despite not having an architectural background, or any prior professional experience for that matter, she makes up for her lack of knowledge with her enthusiasm and willingness to learn.



Ar-Jay is currently a fourth semester student at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) with a program of Architecture Technology. At a very young age, Ar-Jay has always been observant and fascinated around his surroundings when it comes to architecture and buildings. He has always been very enthusiastic in engaging in numerous Project Based Learning (PBL) throughout his school days. 
Ar-Jay has been into several recreation centres as he loves playing various sports in his spare time. That is one of the benefits that he would give to this project as he observes the architecture of each recreation centre he has been to. Working on a recreation centre is a relevant project for Ar-Jay and he is inspired to contribute.

Meet the Team: Team Members
Meet the Team: Members Page
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